Roof Cleaning Preston, Maryland
Roof Cleaning Pictures
Algae covered roofs are becoming quite common on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The algae is growing and spreading rapidly from roof to roof. Here's some pics of two neighboring homes in Preston, MD that had a growing problem with roof algae. We cleaned both the same day using no pressure methods. ...
Safe Roof Cleaning in Denton, MD
Roof Cleaning Pictures
Here's a couple roof cleanings from my home town of Denton, MD. The first is one that I have wanted to clean for a while. I knew that a no pressure roof cleaning would make a dramatic change to this algae covered roof. I spoke with the homeowners back in the fall of 2009. They just recently decided tha...
Roof Cleaning in Oxford, MD
Certified Roof Cleaning Maryland
Here's a another No Pressure Roof Cleaning performed in Talbot County by the guys at Chesapeake Hydro-Wash. This beautiful home was built in the 1930s and sits on 8 acres of waterfront along Island Creek, just off the Choptank River on Maryland's Eastern Shore. The homeowner was more than happy w...
Roof Cleaned in Delmarva
Certified Roof Cleaning - Equipment
This house was a pick-me-up last week. Client was driving past our shop and stopped in. We had finished early that day, so we cleaned one more roof. Got to love those profitable days!
Roof Cleaning Donation - Easton, MD
Certified Roof Cleaning Maryland
Chesapeake Hydro-Wash recently donated a partial roof cleaning to the Church of the Nazarene in Easton, MD. I have been wanting to clean this roof for a couple years, and recently recieved a call from a church member in requards to the church roof cleaning. As soon as I arrived for the estimate, I dec...