I demossed a lady's roof in February and went by from time to time to see if mother nature has done her job. Well,she hasn't. The roots were dead,but still clinging to the shingles. I could not rub it off with my fingers. I rinsed a section off with the garden sprayer. It got wet,softened up and started to let go. Picking some of the stuff out of the gutter,it was still quite fibrous and did not crumble. Perhaps we have not had the heat yet to really dry it. Time will tell.
I am quite concerned because I have been telling customers it will all disappear and aparently that is not the case. I did a house the other day that was covered and a lot of it would not come off with a light scrub and I had spots after scrubbing that were like a shag carpet and boy does it drink the bleach. I may have to tell them it may have to be rinsed if it does not come off,but then I don't want to wash away all the granules.
Can someone with "BAD" moss experience tell me what to expect. Will the weather "eventually" remove it?
Another small job,I killed these little boss blobies and now they are like dried dirt. I can pick them off and crumble them with my fingers,but they are not disappearing on thier own.
If the moss does not look like "cotton balls" it is not dead. re-spray and wait. It WILL come off, just takes time and patience. But, it WILL fall off.
It will all fall off. But, some times it will take a second treatment weeks after the first treatment. And as far as rinsing, get yourself a booster pump and rinse the roof with that. Set the pump at 80 -100 psi. You will not cause damage by "washing" away granules. If you see areas missing granules when you are done rinsing it is because the moss and lichen has already done the damage to the granules.