I used to suggest the Rigid air compressors as a good, low priced unit to power air diaphragm pumps. The old Harbor Freight Gas Powered Air Compressors were just plain junk.
However, Harbor Freight has totally revamped their Gas Powered Air Compressors, and this is no longer true. Harbor Freight makes 2 different Gas Powered Air Compressors, and we own both of them. We have been extremely happy with both of them. One is on our main truck, and one is on our other working truck. Both our trucks clean roofs everyday. In over 7 months, we have not had any air compressor related failures. Both compressors start right up, build air quickly, and are fairly quiet.
I am looking for any feedback/comments from anyone else using these excellent, low cost air compressors, good or bad.
Will try one next as soon as mine go bad. My biggest problem with Air Compressors is draining them. So hard to get to the drain valves. Anyone have an easy way of doing that.
I re read your post and Although 7 months is not a long time its nice to know so far they are reliable. But when i think of gas engines I got Hondas 10 years old and older. Thats reliability. And although I love Harbor Freight for a lot of things. Thier not famous for daily use gas and power tool equipment in my book. Most thier stuff is made for occasional use or for homeowers. MId to low grade quality. Chicago Tools are OK but to me would not hold up to professional every day use. Just my opinion. Because some tools I bought there just plain fell apart. They do honor and replace. But I don't know how far I would get with a compressor that is simply fine but a pain in the ass to keep running.
My only trepidation is I have honestly become so accostomed to the reliability of Honda engines on all my pressure washers and sprayers I have literally vowed to not buy anything else. In fact I have some that sit for almost a year and still start on the 1st or second pull. And if the do get gunked up in the carb its the easiest carb to pull clean and reinstall out there.
I may have to for a compressor though. I don't see many with Hondas that don't cost an arm and a leg. I don't use compressors for anything. Other than small ones to air up tires. It sure seems like the options are limited for gas units compared to other power equipment though. what brand motor is usually on the Rigid. I try to steer clear of most B and S engines. I don't care for thier carbs at all in the past.
Im sold on hondas as well. And have been trying to find a good deal on a compressorer with one on it. Got it today. Got lucky at Lowes today. Went in to get some hdwr and went through the tool section and thier sat a Hitachi wheelbarrow with a Honda. Hmmm thats the deal I been looking for. Was 799 marked down to ??. I inquired what was the price and the manager said ill take 550 right now if you want it or I'll just put 599 on it. Seems some dude bought it and took it home and cranked it up. Claimed the dipstick wasnt in it. He was covered with oil and so pissed he brought it right back. Ill pay 50 bucks more to get a Honda all day.