We are certified, experienced roof cleaning contractors.
Our process is accepted by American Roof Manufactures Association, Tamko & GAF.
We have performed warranty cleanings of asphalt shingle roofs that have become affected and have turned dark and ugly due to staining. We provided the customer with before and after pictures of the cleaning process. They were partially reimbursed. Something is better than nothing.
The black stains are algae named Gleocapsa Magma.
Always most noticeable on the north facing side. It doesn't get better. It grows, gets blacker, thicker and spreads. It can actually grow into moss.
It is not as simple as going to the store an finding a roof cleaning product and squirting it on the roof and expecting professional results.
The minimum roof may require 60 gallons of the freshest strongest chemicals we can buy. Pre-mixed the day of your scheduled cleaning.
Should my Roof be replaced?
We cant tell you that.. We can tell you that thousands of roofs have been replaced. Wasting the oils, stone, tar, limestone, paper, nails, labor, shipping and wasted landfill space because people simply did not know their roof can be cleaned. If it doesn't leak but looks terrible. Have it cleaned.
Save thousands of dollars today!
Are you a realtor?
Homeowner with a home for sale?
I see many beautiful homes on the market. They have well manicured lawns and shrubbery. Problem is the very first thing you always see is that ugly algae stained eyesore sitting on top of your home. First thoughts. That roof needs to be replaced. We can't have that. It would cost us $10,000 to replace that roof
You want to keep your property beautiful. You want maximum return on your investment.
We are insured to clean roofs up to three stories.
Be careful who you hire. Many companies are not insured for roof cleaning. It is a added cost.
It is possible for someone to not have the appropriate safety equipment or insurance, get on a hot roof inhaling dangerous fumes and fall off the roof and snap the neck.
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