This is exactly what you want!
Guys, always remember this about SH.
The more Yellow it is, the better, for our roof cleaning purposes.
The more Yellow it is, the less refined it is, and the more S Hydroxide it contains.
The more S Hydroxide left in the SH, the longer the shelf life, and the better it cleans.
This is because S Hydroxide is very Alkaline (High PH)
The cleaning action of SH is always best at HIGH PH (over PH 10)
The Disinfection action of SH is always better at LOW PH, and that is why we add Acid to our swimming pool water.
So, if you have a choice between different brands of SH, always get the Yellow Stuff !
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida
711 Westbrook
Brandon, FL 33511
813 655 8777
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