Alot of the homes in my area have wood decks, and they all look like hell. Since cleaning my first roof in march, and a conversation with Mike Derose, I quickly started upselling house washes and gutter brightening. I'm still not an expert with the concrete cleaning, but I do offer it. My next mission is to conquer the decks. From prep to staining.
The big question is, and if you want you can answer it in my the poll.
1. SH or PC ? I know if using SH its below a 1% SH content. PC I have no idea. (Ratios)
2. To neutralize or not too? (why neutralize is it needed? How to apply the neutralizing chemical? What if its an entire house? )
3. Are we now ready for stain? ( I know we are here to clean but alot of us ad this service in, we are one stop shopping companies)
4. How to price deck staining?
5. I tried searching but didn't finding anything, I feel like there should be a sticky for wood, with a step by step answer.
6. Thank you in advance for answering these questions, if a phone call is easier just let me know, I will have a note pad ready.
Alot of the homes in my area have wood decks, and they all look like hell. Since cleaning my first roof in march, and a conversation with Mike Derose, I quickly started upselling house washes and gutter brightening. I'm still not an expert with the concrete cleaning, but I do offer it. My next mission is to conquer the decks. From prep to staining.
The big question is, and if you want you can answer it in my the poll.
1. SH or PC ? I know if using SH its below a 1% SH content. PC I have no idea. (Ratios)
2. To neutralize or not too? (why neutralize is it needed? How to apply the neutralizing chemical? What if its an entire house? )
3. Are we now ready for stain? ( I know we are here to clean but alot of us ad this service in, we are one stop shopping companies)
4. How to price deck staining?
5. I tried searching but didn't finding anything, I feel like there should be a sticky for wood, with a step by step answer.
6. Thank you in advance for answering these questions, if a phone call is easier just let me know, I will have a note pad ready.
Hi Dan. Don't forget the other 'SH' option - sodium hydroxide. It's often needed to strip off old stain/sealer such as Cabots, Sikkens etc. that sodium percarbonate won't touch.
Right on Ted. Chlorinated detergents will only treat surface mold unless its a strong solution. But that will fur the wood. It won't open the pores of the wood and had no ability to remove stain thats still in tact. Sodium hydroxide is the best way to go. Not quite sure the benefits of neutralizing except brightening the wood since sodium hydroxide will darken the wood.
Hey Dan, neutralizing gives raw wood a more natural look, which in turn allows for a more accurate stain color. If you don't neutralize it would be like picking a stain a few shades darker, because that's how the finished wood will look. It is also said that neutralizing allows for better stain life and adhesion,..makes sense I suppose,..high PH from residual SP, SH, or the other SH could interfere with the stains quality.
I prefer to downstream hydroxide mixed at 8 oz. per gallon for a simple grayed out deck, strip a deck though a dedicated pump would be needed with possible multiple applications. That can get into alot of work and expense. I don't get into "serious" deck cleaning like that.
I neutralize with oxalic mixed at 8 oz. per gallon and also downstreamed.
Keep in mind if you plan on using Sodium Percarbonate it cannot be downstreamed effectively at all, needs to be applied at around 8 oz. per gallon through a dedicated pump. Mixing it with Sodium Hydroxide will give it a little extra kick.