Its sad, but even when the general public is provided with info such as in the video, very few will check it out or believe it, or even bother to read the documentation. Appears that mind control is already well established in our country. Our founding fathers must be turning over in their graves.
I respect you for posting here about such a hot topic......but it's one that frankly speaking, is more important than our day to day lives cleaning roofs and feeding our's about what's is happening to our country right before our eyes. The replies to your post help to see just how many folks are blind to the real motives of our "government". I don't necessarily believe every single thing that Alex Jones has to say (I think he tends to border on fear mongering sometimes) but I do believe that it is EXTREMELY important to have these dialogues with people. For every 10 people who call you (and me) a right wing, conspiracy theory nut case, maybe one person's eyes will be opened and so on. We all need to wake up! Either that or start learning to speak Chinese and Russian!!
You are 100% on target. The more you try and educate the public, the more critizism you get. The government controlled media is too strong in this country.
Maybe I'll start a "Talkshoe" program to better serve and educate our members. I could go on for months asking for opinions on subjects such as, military policies and enlistment, education policies, taxes, manufacturing, Federal government actions and duties, Federal Reserve bank,, elected officials and their actions, IRS duties, and much more. Thiink we could get a better showing than before? I can present topics and facts and will just look for answers and thoughts. It will be very enlightening for most.
We are only human, and talk about more then just roof cleaning you know. Myself, I don't get too much into politics. Far as I am concerned, it don't matter much if you vote democrat or republican, I think both parties are controlled (bought and paid for) by the big money interests. These people who are really running the world sit back and laugh at you people who fight about who is better, Romney or Obama, because they win either way., no matter what one gets elected.
You are totally correct Chris. The elected officials are merely a figure head and the government is actually run by a shadow goverrnment. Ever look on the back of a @1.00 bill? Ever wonder why the "ever seeing eye", the logo for the Illuminati, is on our money? Google Illuminati and see who that is.
There is so much people don't know and believe, it is sickening. But most don't don't give a chit until it is too late.
Trust me Gary, I know exactly who those bastards are. THEY are the ones running the entire show, as they sit back and laugh at the Obama Haters. LOL, they allow Obama to lose the election, and Romney to "win", but in reality they win.
if this society is so secret how do people know about it without making up stories and passing them on as facts. Now i did not read the whole article so it may have been answered in there.
When this all comes to a head and you and your kids are in dention center, jujst remember who TRIED to warn you. I've don't have near the time left on this planet as you and others do, so better be careful what you believe.
I was talking to my kids about all of this the other day. They were asking me lots of questions. I told them that we will eventually experience an economic disaster in our country and that when people start breaking into our homes to get our food that the "government" saviors will come to "rescue" us all and offer us safety, food and shelter in the camps.....They asked me what would happen after that. I didn't have a good answer because I don't think even "they" know what they are going to do with us. History suggests that they will try to "re-educate" us into accepting a socialist doctrine and that those who don't comply will be eliminated. It all sounds so absurd but's that's because my generation is one of the few that has never experience real hardship. Every other generation and every other country has experienced some kind of war or revolution. This generation in the US is not used to bloodshed and can't fathom the possibility of our comfortable lifestyles being turned upside down. I can relate to that...
What really needs to be discussed is when this all does come to a head and the tanks begin to show up on our highways and neighborhoods, what can and will WE do? There needs to be a plan. BUT, at the same time it needs to be discrete. Herein lies the problem!!
I was talking to my kids about all of this the other day. They were asking me lots of questions. I told them that we will eventually experience an economic disaster in our country and that when people start breaking into our homes to get our food that the "government" saviors will come to "rescue" us all and offer us safety, food and shelter in the camps.....They asked me what would happen after that. I didn't have a good answer because I don't think even "they" know what they are going to do with us. History suggests that they will try to "re-educate" us into accepting a socialist doctrine and that those who don't comply will be eliminated. It all sounds so absurd but's that's because my generation is one of the few that has never experience real hardship. Every other generation and every other country has experienced some kind of war or revolution. This generation in the US is not used to bloodshed and can't fathom the possibility of our comfortable lifestyles being turned upside down. I can relate to that...
What really needs to be discussed is when this all does come to a head and the tanks begin to show up on our highways and neighborhoods, what can and will WE do? There needs to be a plan. BUT, at the same time it needs to be discrete. Herein lies the problem!!
Wow after reading that i feel like i just wasted 20 seconds of my life. I think you read one to many conspirocy theorys. I really hope you not teaching your kids to live in fear of the goverment.