Art- we have quite a few roof cleaners here in eastern Pa so we still have to be competitive with our bids in case we are going up against some of the more resonable guys. I can tell you though, if the homeowner lets the cat out of the bag about getting a quote only from this company I'll know I have a little room to raise the cost some.
I agree with you fellas from up north 'cause it's not good to be too greedy, but doesn't Scott have a valid point? It seems like it might be OK to creep your price up closer to theirs. I never went to college or businees school, but I'd try to milk the situation for what I could. The fact that you can do it in 1/2 the time it takes them is simply a benefit of doing things the "RCIA" way. I'd creep up towards 75% of their price & smile every time I deposited a check.
I agree also if fitzpatrick is bringing up the price we should go with it "LowBall" them
but it does give us an opportunity to get more for our work let them spend the money and the time let us reap the benifits
This is where knowing your competition comes in handy. I know if Im bidding against Mr. Pitch Witch here in town I need to price a bit low. If I'm bidding against Marcus from katy, I can price higher.
I WISH FJ Fitzpatrick or someone like them with their budget would move into Houston and dominate. Id make $350k with one truck just off of their scraps. LOL.