Yes I am part-time . My current full time job is director of transportation for our local school district. We started out as a power washing company And we have many commercial accounts that we still take care of on weekends and evenings We have branched over in the more residential house washing and hopefully to start roof cleaning this year Roof cleaning is going to be an hard sale just because people don't know and are non-aware that the roof can even be cleaned This year we will push the marketing hard And with any luck Have a very successful year The plans are now to continue to be part time At least for a couple more years
I am part time. This will be my second full year. Seems to be starting strong. That is, if it ever warms up. I have tripled my estimates over the same time as last year, and have doubled the commitments for a cleaning. But, not enough yet to go full time. I have added more than just roof washing. I wash siding, cultured stone, sidewalks, and outdoor furniture. Thought about decks, but in my area, the paper is full of deck cleaners. One thing I noticed last year while doing this work was how many people have bird feeders that are empty, dirty, run-down. And, I thought to myself, there has got to be an opportunity here for a business that takes care of bird feeders. SO, this winter my wife and I started a company called Bird Watchers Services. We take care of bird feeders for people. Fill them, clean them, install them. It is starting slow, but it is going. My wife is running this business. My point is, when your out working, look around, listen to the homeowners, find out what is their biggest complaint about something, and see if you can take care of it. I have also picked up a few welding jobs at houses. I have a portable arc, and mig welder I can weld on site with. Or bring it back to my place if it needs tig welding. Besides all this, I work full time 40-50 hours a week. You know what they say: Idle hands are the devils work.
ambitious attitudes will do well but you need to sit idle once and awhile, helps revive the body. I am putting you & your wife on a time out this summer
Off to canoe on the Tittabawassee River and no cell phones.