Couple of questions for the old timers here. I just got my new Yamada today. I am trying something different from my all flow from last year. Darn thing stalled out on me way too much.
I just opened the box, and noticed a brass ball valve included. Do I need it? I have used a quick connect on the AF. Just curious.
Also, Chris, I hear you always mentioning the "reset" button on the Yamadas. Where is it? Seriously, is it the clear plastic thing, does it pop out when needed? Not sure I see one on mine.
All your help is always appreciated.
THank you.
Soapy Roof -Roof Cleaning Pittsburgh, PA
Brad R. Iannacchione Soapy Roof, LLC New Kensington, PA 15068
The ball valve is simply for shutting the air on and off. You can use it to reset the pump after it stalls,..or use the little plastic button,..I had the same pump and found it easier to use the ball valve.
I'm not sure what the deal was with your All-Flo,..but that's the pump I use now and it only stalled through the course of a two day period, I give it a squirt of lubricant once a week,... and now the issue is non-existent. Sounds like you got a lemon maybe.
The Yamadas are good pumps,..but the NDP-15 I stalled ALOT compared to the All-Flo.
Yea,. I think it did pop out,..don't really remember though,... but anyhow....just push the reset button when the pump stalls and it will start up again.