I went to Godaddy and bought www.roofstainremovers.co. I think this was a good idea, but I'm not sure yet. Instead of redoing www.theroofstainremovers.com, I'll build a newer & better site and my life will be better in many ways. Or, I might just be a dumbazz that wasted a few bucks on a new domain. Time will tell. Anyway, I just thought I'd let y'all know they were currently being sold.
Bee Clean Pressure Cleaning LLC Serving South Florida Residential and Commercial Chad 561-699-4685 Josh 561-699-4696 New Company Always Doing It Right!!!
I got mine because roofstainremovers.com was taken and I had to use theroofstainremovers.com, which doesn't come across well on the phone. Duh? C? D? P? roofstainremovers? I snagged roofstainremovers.co 'cause it's easier to make people understand. That's funny you said "buzz."