I have been using my x jet for 12 years I love it.
Dont know if it been out that long, you got the original. The m5 has an adjustable fan tiip versus the screw in. You loose 5 feet in distance, the m5 is a must have!
I clobber 40' in the air with mine, of course I have a 10 gallon a minute machine
Water is what cleans Mike.
Getting that soap where iit suposed to be at! Windy day. Nothing is impossable.
I have the m5, like it. Carrying a pail is a bit of a pain; I could see some advantage to downstreaming, like not carrying a pail. On the other hand, waiting for the soap to clear out of the line downstreaming is a pain too.
What about that backpack container for the X Jet, unless it leaks
I have a bad back so that isn't an option for me. I'll carry a pail with me. Mike is right I go through about 10 gallons on a house. So alot of refilling. I'm going to mess with the proportioners and figure out how to use straight roof love.
I'm an easy going guy and can compromise as long as everyone agrees with me. Running around a house with a full 5 gallon pail in 1 hand while dragging your hose in the other hand accross the flowers and those annoying solar landscaping lights sends shivers down my spine.
I tell ya I have used an x-jet long ago. I still prefer to downstream with an injector and your still soft washing with a heated system, same exact principle. Envirospec sales a chemical injector called super suds sucker, it works great and has a draw of 6 to 1. Plus you can up to 500 ft of pressure washing hose if you need it. I personally have 200 ft on a titan reel, if I need more just hook up in 100 ft increments. Plus it will keep your azz from having a chemical wash if that back pack leaks.
Roof Cleaning of Virginia Beach, VA 757-650-7456. wrote:
I tell ya I have used an x-jet long ago. I still prefer to downstream with an injector and your still soft washing with a heated system, same exact principle. Envirospec sales a chemical injector called super suds sucker, it works great and has a draw of 6 to 1. Plus you can up to 500 ft of pressure washing hose if you need it. I personally have 200 ft on a titan reel, if I need more just hook up in 100 ft increments. Plus it will keep your azz from having a chemical wash if that back pack leaks.
Amen to that, especially for those who have exposed nerves in that target rich environment.
X-jet is a big time waster. I experimented with it and I didnt like it at all. You can allegedly get a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 which is enough to start burning some landscape. Like most of us here I have washed thousands of house. The Super Suds Sucker from Envirospec works the best. No back packs or buckets. 4 banger tip 0040 and 1540 to draw, 0012 and 1515 to rinse using a 3800 at 4gpm.
That is exactly what I use too. I have not cleaned a house yet that this couldn't reach every part of it. The only difference with me is that I rinse with the same tips plus a 2540. I rarely have to go down to a 12 or 15. I do have guys with truck wash brushes on 8 foot and 20 foot poles to hit the occassional stubborn spot.
Super Suds Sucker Rules!
-- Edited by The Roof Cleaners of Chester County Pennsylvania 610-842-2104 on Friday 7th of January 2011 08:56:05 PM
Brian Friel The Roof Cleaners llc Oxford PA 19363 610 842 2104
At first I thought this thread was where Gutter Dog was trying to break his old record By racking up as many Post counts in the least amount of time. I think he won!!! I'm trying to get used to this part of forum. Is this the dealersforum. Am I allowed to say that the The X-Jet M5 is $30 cheaper some where else?
Elephant Roof and Exterior Cleaning Raleigh North Carolina David Hoover 919-207-0666 Benson NC. Roof Cleaning Raleigh NC
i downstream now. i used to xjet but i got tired of carrying the bucket around and pulling hose all at the same time. by downstreaming i probrably cut 20-25 minutes off the time it took to x jet.
I must be doing something wrong. I use a cheap Karcher power washer. I stick the soap hose in the bucket at the machine and run clorox and dawn threw the machine to wash the house. I have a tip from HD that is called a Soap Blaster , Cost $10.00 and shouts 30'. I rinse with an ajustable tip. Yes the up loader valve go's once a year. It cost $20.00 to fix it. I'm on my 3 rd year with my cheap Kaercher machine. Why do I need all this fancy stuff to wash a house?
Hey Art that's exactly how I washed houses for years when I was in my early 20's. When I got out of work from my plumbing job I would wash 1 sometimes 2 houses everyday, then hustle the weekends also. I didn't have a life for a while. But it helped me fulfill my dream of being a slumlord. How about walking out of Walmart with 25 gals. of bleach in a carriage. I always told em' it was laundry night.
I go to Costco. 6 Gallons for about $6.50 a Box. I buy 20 box's at a shot. Its funny the looks and Questions you get when on the line. But the stuff works well.
I use my x-jet for house washes, dragging the pail is a pain! But look at it on the bright side, It will save my pump from degrading . I can live with that... There are some jobs I use a small dolly attached to my 7 gallon pail and wheel it around the premises.
As we all know every equiment leaks and just the thought of having a back pack system!!!!! well hmm better have a case of monkey butt powder in your truck for backup up :)
Your pump is not degrading long as it is down streaming past the pump, the injector hooks at the outlet from the heat box. Your pump with not have any chemical going thru it, that is why we have a brass TS2021 pump and it lasted 5 years before I got a new one. You can get the nickle plated heads if you choose to run chemical thru it but I suggest not to because it will tear up the seals in the pump.
At first I thought this thread was where Gutter Dog was trying to break his old record By racking up as many Post counts in the least amount of time. I think he won!!! I'm trying to get used to this part of forum. Is this the dealersforum. Am I allowed to say that the The X-Jet M5 is $30 cheaper some where else?
This part of the forum is brand new, open to the public, and you can say what you want about the M5 being cheaper somewhere else. When I posted that about the M5, it was the first thing that popped up in a Google search.
I must be doing something wrong. I use a cheap Karcher power washer. I stick the soap hose in the bucket at the machine and run clorox and dawn threw the machine to wash the house. I have a tip from HD that is called a Soap Blaster , Cost $10.00 and shouts 30'. I rinse with an ajustable tip. Yes the up loader valve go's once a year. It cost $20.00 to fix it. I'm on my 3 rd year with my cheap Kaercher machine. Why do I need all this fancy stuff to wash a house?
Wow, if it does the job then WTF ? I do have to say Art I figured you for a "big spender", and thought you had a hot water skid unit, the best money could buy. I use Home Depot Ball Valves
I do not think it is a good idea to walk around with pales of chem and filling them up on a lawn! And you will have problems with downstreaming a lot of hose and more than 5-6 gal. a minute machines. Not trying to fight just that I have done them all. For doing a couple jobs a week with 200 ft. of hose downstreaming is good.
I have a bad back so that isn't an option for me. I'll carry a pail with me. Mike is right I go through about 10 gallons on a house. So alot of refilling. I'm going to mess with the proportioners and figure out how to use straight roof love.
Take the proportioner out and throw it away! I've never used one. A friend came down last year and we shared our knowledge. his proportioner would clog sometimes the smallest piece of dirt. I only had the original then, he had the M5. Seeing how the fan tip spread the soap so much quicker (without having to screw the fan tip on and off) I had to get the newer xjet, and yes it does loose 5 feet in height of spray, so their is a use for both.