As the number of attendees at the "radio shows" increases week by week, (GREAT!) there has developed a need for some house rules of conduct so everyone can enjoy the shows to the fullest extent. Here is how things will work from this point forward.
All persons entering the shows as "GUESTS" will automatically be muted and chat blocked immediately. They will be allowed to listen to the show, but no participation in any way will be allowed, unless the following point is activated.
As soon as the recording is started, EVERYONE will be muted. This will eleminate almost all background noise and make the audio excellent for everyone. At the top of the page you will be viewing when you enter the show, there is a "REQUEST TO TALK" button. If you wish to speak, click on that button. You will be placed in the talk que, and a number will appear next to your name on the screen. This is where you are in the numerical list of everyone wishing to speak. If you are calling in from a telephone (cell or hardwired home phone), press *8 and you will be placed in the que also. When it is your time to speak, you will be acknowledged by name by the show host, unmuted and allowed to share your input to the show. When finished you will again be muted.
Everyone must stay on the topic being discussed and not start any new discussions except thru the following point. If anyone wishes to change the topic, type a chat message to the host thru the on-screen chat feature and your request will be considered and opened for discussion in an orderly fashion.
These points are very simple and will greatly improve the enjoyment and participation of all attendees to the shows.
As you can plainly see, it is a very good idea to set up your account with talkshoe to acheive the best and most beneficial results from this program. This is a tool that RCIA will be usuing on a very large scale in the future for education and info sharing. Get involved today.
Please see my other post for setting up your equipment and account with talkshoe. It is FREE and only takes about 5 minutes.
Thanks for your interest and support. Enjoy the shows. Gary