I am in the same boat and need a good before and after to put on a website. Can't wait to get my own after a few weeks of cleaning. If you are able to hlep me I would thank you.
David Hame
All Washed Up 505 Carriage Hill Drive Forest, VA 24551 434-841-9889 David@AllWashed.com
I sm in the same boat you were in and need a good set of before and after shingle roof photos. Would you have one you could allow me to use?
David Hamel
I sure do, however my web designer encouraged my to use my own, instead of someone else's.
If I may make a suggestion to you, I went and cleaned a church roof in my home town, a old historic building which is a land mark which everyone knows where it is. That is the picture I used, oh I did the roof for free so I could with out a doubt get it.