I called Lori for a delavan 5850. She was out of them. Everybody was out and on backorder. She told me she had another pump but that I could get it faster and cheaper buying it locally from a supply house she knew was in Memphis. Before hanging up and after thanking her I asked her what she WAS gonna sell me today. She said nothing today maybe later when I needed something else. I am pretty impressed.
Bergman Roof Cleaning Port Charlotte FL 941-698-1959 wrote:
Complaining about getting something for free seems dumb to me.
You are right! This was actually a serious problem for us for a while there. Thankfully, we are back.
Thank you for the positivity. I am loving your new posts and exposure on the web recently. I hope that you are reaping the benefits of the extra input online!
I have a sheet of SEO stuff that I keep adding to. I will email it to you if you like. It is a collection of free places to help attract the spiders.