First of all i want to thank everyone for the help that i have recieved from this forum. You guys sure know what you are doing and I hope to be there real soon. Ijust purchased my pumps and tanks and in the process of getting everything on my trailer. What I don't have is a good picture of a before and after that I can use for a banner. I am in the need of 300dbi or larger. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! I have a roof lined up to do as soon as my trailer is finished and there are a lot of houses in this neighborhood and i hate to be there with no advertisement. The one house is a freebie :(, just hope to get more. Thanks again
Welcome!!! Check out attachments also you can... Check out our website as there are several bef & aft there... You are welcome to use any of those if they will "hep" you out!!! Chris
Welcome!!! Check out attachments also you can... Check out our website as there are several bef & aft there... You are welcome to use any of those if they will "hep" you out!!! Chris
Chris, in that first set, what kind of roofing was that? Great pictures, btw.
Wow, Chris, That's cool. I didn't think they were your regular asphalt shingle.
Can you share what percent you used and method for cleaning? There are a few of those around here, do they require some special care other then what's needed for a shingle roof?
We did this job in late Feb. so weather was in 50's... We never got on the roof shot it all from the gutters... At the time we used 40%SH,60%water, 1+1/2 oz Dawn and 3/4 oz. 70% ach per gallon. We shot & rinsed this house a total of 4 times to get this great finished product... got paid very well for this as no one wants to touch these...