Sun Brite is a reputable place among cleaning professionals. I really don't know anything about this product. There may be something to it ? Do you have a link to the description and claims made for it ?
Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa FL (813) 655-8777 wrote:
Sun Brite is a reputable place among cleaning professionals. I really don't know anything about this product. There may be something to it ? Do you have a link to the description and claims made for it ?
A chemical technology advancement! BioBarrier is a long-term mold and odor eliminator. Once applied, BioBarrier Mold & Mildew preventative prevents organism reproduction and creates an environment that bacteria cannot survive in. It causes the surface to repel bacteria spores and become virtually free of mold residue. Thorough coating of this mold preventative can create a bacteria barrier that has lasted in tests up to a year. This is an ideal "up-sell" for contractors who clean roof
Midtown Service Solutions
Roof Cleaning Wake ForestNC27587 919-412-2432
Roof Cleaning Wake Forest, Raleigh, Knightdale, Rolesville, Youngsville NC
Not sure what the benefit would be,...unless I'm missing something. Most roofs last from 2-5 years now after cleaning. Preventive maintenance can be done with a very light and cost effective mix we use now.
Raystown Roof Cleaning Central PA 1-800-236-0322 wrote:
Not sure what the benefit would be,...unless I'm missing something. Most roofs last from 2-5 years now after cleaning. Preventive maintenance can be done with a very light and cost effective mix we use now.
Actually, we are looking at a chemical from a chemical company that claims to do this! You simply spray it on any surface, and it claims to eliminate mildew for years! It is patented.