Little overspray on roof should be a "no problem".... Sometimes, I prespray a roof when it's hot to cool it off some and cut down on the quick evaporation of chemicals...
-- Edited by Chris Kaeppel on Friday 21st of May 2010 11:08:05 AM
If you use the Apple sauce mixture with the TSP, that can freely be applied to a vinyl siding. However, If it is painted the TSP could cause problems. Is this correct?
If you use the Apple sauce mixture with the TSP, that can freely be applied to a vinyl siding. However, If it is painted the TSP could cause problems. Is this correct?
Yes, STRONG TSP mixtures can cause paint problems, but we used Apple Sauce for many years w/o any paint problems, except 3. That is 3 in thousands of roofs cleaned, and who is to say the SH itself did not cause the color change, or the dulling in the 3 paint effected areas ? Don't be scared of TSP, it is a powerful cleaner, just dont OVER USE it, and mix in more then what is called for, remember, Apple Sauce is made for FLORIDA roofs, less TSP and Borax will probably be fine for most others. our growing season is longer here in Tampa, and our humidity and rainfall excessive.