I justed wanted to pass along to everyone on this site my roof cleaning story. I am not a professional roof cleaner....just a homeowner tired of looking at my house and those ugly stains which have invaded my roof. I have tried numerous concoctions; My local roof store sold me this jug of jizz that you apply, scrub lightly with a brush, and then rinse. Well I am not as young as I used to be so this process was going to be very time consuming and hard on the Ol back....not to mention watching all of those shingle granulars being washed down the gutters. I found a product on the internet that 'guaranteed' results without any scrubbing or rinsing. "Hey...maybe this is what I am looking for"!!! NOT!!! ..Didn't work...
I then came across your website and began reading and reading...and reading...I downscaled your Apple Sauce 'love juice' to a smaller quantity that would fit into a 2 gallon garden sprayer, applied this 'necter of love' and within an hour.....WHAM!!!! BLAM!!! KABOOOOM! No more stains...Simply AMAZING!!!
Thank you all so much for the knowledge that you have provided. Your secrets are safe with me.