The chlorine in the 12.5% comes from the Hypochlorite ion. Thus it already contains chlorine. Chlorine by itself is a gas. Bleach is pretty much anything that oxidizes stuff. They don't know what they are talking about unless you are buying ammonia bleach (which I doubt). Bottom line... 12.5% SH contains chlorine .. it kills mold. The manufactiurer of the new product is just going on a typical bleach bashing rant. They want you to buy their stuff instead. Just ignore them. I don't know of any plant (including mold) that will survive a good bleach soaking.
Prime Choice Power Wash LLC Roof Cleaning Kissimmee Florida
heres my two cents... The chlorine bleach we use "Lyses" the bacteria, mold, alien life form, whatever... which means it causes the cell wall to rupture thus killing it! The salt that is left upon evaporation sucks the life (moisture) out of any new life forms that land on the roof, until it is all washed away by rain that is.
Heres another one that talks about roof cleaning and that the black stains are mold and it pops the roof granuales off , I think a lot of this has to do with companies that sell other methods of cleaning products have to put down SH so thier product sells just like Roof Be Clean , Cleaner Today(QSE)