We will have 4 different roof cleaning rigs for you to demo. We will have a Delvan, a Yamada NDP-15, An Udor Zeta thanks to Enviro spec North, and Larry will be bringing a comet built for SH. I am also working on two more roof cleaning set ups as well.
I invited the RCIA to attend the Tampa Round Table I am hosting. After talking to Chris Tucker I decided it would be beneficial for all parties to have the RCIA at the event due to the fact most roof cleaners also pressure wash and vice versa. The RCIA was going to have an allotted amount of time to speak about issues pertaining to the roof cleaning industry. Unfortunately a number of things are preventing the RCIA from having representation at the Tampa event. I apologize to all that this may have affected. I can however assure you that even with out the “guru’s of roof cleaning” You will learn a lot and benefit greatly from attending this event. The knowledge share via networking alone is priceless. We also have some great speakers lined up that I am sure will make you and your business grow. We will also have number of different roof cleaning set ups available to demo. If you would like to help out and feel you could provide a informative presentation please let me know. I look forward to seeing all of you at the Tampa RT.
I am looking forward to this event Kory. I know that there has to be an easier way to clean roofs than the way I am doing it now. There is so much disinformation on the web that I sometimes don't believe it till I see it.
I remember the 1st roof that I cleaned 14 years ago... I experimented on cleaning my house roof then with a 2 gal hand pump up sprayer. I have come a ways since then, but I want to get better by attending your round table.
Thanks for taking the time to make this event happen at such a reasonable fee.