So if you guys are not rinsing, you simply treat until the mold is very light brown and then let the rain rinse it away? How long after spraying do you remove the bags from the downspouts? Is a mist like pw preferred or is it better to have a lower pressure shower. I would think the shower would tend to create more run off.
I am new to the 12%, We have a moss problem here so I spray Zinc, roughly each average size home is around 30 gallons. I seem to have little run off. I have used a roller pump and man did it treat the roof fast, but the hose was 3/4 and burned through alot of chemical with more run off. What process are you using to attach to the downspout, I read tape, but lots of downspout here go into a drainage. So are you disconnecting the bottom 4ft and taping a bag to that?
Running the AR-30 my hose is 5/8 OD and 3/8 ID and I can treat a roof in about 15 minutes or so. I have treated moss this way for a number of years. I am interested in actually cleaning the roofs of mold also, but it doesnt sound like I can use my current setup.
If they go into drainage that's perfect! Much less work.
Downspouts that go into the yard don't need to be disconnected, the bag can go around it fine. I pull it up about two feet from the bottom and duct tape it.
You have to be more careful when working with 12.5% bleach roof mix, it can be rough. Wear a good chlorine mask, gloves, goggles.
Definitely too rough on the rig you have now, it will eat through that pump quick.
How fast do the roofs in Portland grow moss?
I always tell customers the roof should be cleaned before it grows moss, the moss does irreversable damage. It does not come off easy with out dislodging granules.