A Warning to my fellow roof cleaners, If you are ever asked to clean a Dura Loc Roof, please use extreme caution! There are some defective Dura Loc Roofs out there, and you can easily get blamed for removing the granules! We are gonna be sued by a homeowner who claims we damaged his roof. Well .... he knows he had a defective roof, but is suing us anyway, to try and scam the installation cost money from us (The company plans to replace the roofing materials). This customer stopped payment on our check for 1200.00, to add insult to injury http://roofcleaninginstitute.org/index.php?/topic/710-defective-dura-lock-stone-coated-steel-roof/#entry6639
Our roof cleaning company has done hundreds of stone coated steel Dura Loc roofs before this, with never any problems.