Please check your messages and call me. I contacted you yesterday about people calling me from your area looking to have their roof cleaned. The jobs are an hour away from me and not worth it so I turned down the work. However, they are very close to you so I want to pass along the opportunity to a fellow RCIA member but I can't contact you other than a private message. I'm assuming you haven't seen my message so this is the only other way I have to reach you. I've had 2 calls in 2 days about chemical cleaning only that I've had to say "I don't know anyone in that area."
Sorry for posting this in the open discussion area but I'm trying to give Steve some work if he wants it. If I don't get a response from him in a day or two then feel free to delete this thread. At least I tried. Thanks,
Kevin , Thank you I am here please send me the info and i will call them I am on a cruise comming home next sat , is the reason I did not get right back with you , no cell service , thanks Dabber