Fellow cleaners, when this aired in Cincinnati last summer, we got over 300 hits in 72 hours, we did 30K in quotes with in a few days and booked over 14K in work the following 2 weeks. The segment got enough traction that the TV station kept it on the website for about 2 weeks. The week following we had a roofing company in Indy took our video and edit it for their marketing and from there it has grown legs. The TV station sent it out to 50k Facebook followers. The funny thing is the day we were suppose to clean it, my buddy's roof blew off and he got a new one. We never cleaned it.
There are pages and pages of this video and story, all at no cost from promotion on the net. My costs for this was 200.00 for the prweb.
The story content plays well for marketing in terms of blogs, media, and newspaper articles. We scripted this out 6 months before we got the right story to pitch the consumer reporter on, then when I called the John, he was all in. The show is syndicated in about 20 cities.
We have in the works 3 more segments that will top this one by tenfold. I encourage all of you to spend time marketing your business in similar fashion, media is looking for this kind of fresh content and I spend very little time on things I can not control (RCIA). I can control my own brand marketing, if I can help, please call me anytime.