We had a balmy fall day in Western PA that topped out at 42 degrees.
We have been experimenting with an additive that really kicks up the heat in our roof mixes and allows us to enjoy such a nice day for cleaning....
We added 2-4 oz of monopersulfate catylist and it really did make a difference on cold shingles.
Our customers could not stop talking about the results, so we are glad we found something that allows us to extend our season for the benefit of our customers.
Yes that is the ratio we use too. We get ours at the local pool store and it is called: SeaKlear Chlorine- Free Shock Oxidizer
We experimented with lower bleach concentrations despite it being cold on the last job, and due to the cold shingles we did not find that to be a benefit. I would stick with your same strengths and just add the SeaKlear in the tank.
It is just nice to be able to clean surfaces this time of year.
I have heard or read that the lichen, moss etc are more brittle this time of the year. Is that true? Does that make it easier to kill and result in quicker release times?