Roof Cleaning by A&E had a booth at the York Pennsylvania Garden Show over this past weekend. The show had apx 15,000 visitors over the 3 days. We were able to sell 8 jobs by giving on the spot estimates using Bing Maps and we also got a lot of other people interested in using our service from all over PA! The most common thing we heard from people stopping by our booth was "I didn't even know you could clean a roof!" Many people stopped by our booth just to share locations where they have seen communities that have many dirty roofs. Since we are sending out our direct mailers soon, this is very valuable information! We also collected a great deal of new email subscribers who are interested in receiving our email newsletters.
In addition to the jobs we booked, we made some good contacts with several real estate agents in Central Pennsylvania whom were very interested in our service for current and future clients!
If ever you have the chance to do a show like this, I feel it could be very beneficial to your roof cleaning business by sharing your knowledge with a great deal of potential customers who have pride in the appearance of their home and gardens.
Thanks Brian. I find the email newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with past and new potential customers. I offer special pricing not only roof cleaning but the other services I offer. Once I clean their roof, they may need their house soft washed or gutters cleaned! I also sometimes offer neighbor referral specials. If they give my name to a neighbor, I give them a little something back. Last month, I was offering $25 gas gift card for referrals. All they have to do is pass along my name and once I get a signed contract from their referral, they get a gas card.
Next time you have to have a free raffle for fake Gucci bags. Hold the drawing at a specific time and the crowds will attract more crowds. Its like Russia when people stand on a line for 2 hours and they dont even know what theyre waiting for, but they wait, just because its a crowd, even though they find out later they waited on line for 2 hours for toilet paper.
Next time you have to have a free raffle for fake Gucci bags. Hold the drawing at a specific time and the crowds will attract more crowds. Its like Russia when people stand on a line for 2 hours and they dont even know what theyre waiting for, but they wait, just because its a crowd, even though they find out later they waited on line for 2 hours for toilet paper.
The wife and I are planning a trip to NJ in the near future, we will have to get together with you and Cheryl!
Diamond Roof Cleaning New Jersey (1-800-Roof-Clean) wrote:
Eric where at in new jersey?
We are taking a bike trip up the East Coast. We don't have a set route yet, we are traveling with a couple of other bikes. I know Atlantic City is a definate and my wife want to visit Carlo's Bakery (shaking my head!). We are going to NYC and maybe out to Long Island....then maybe a tour through the Hamptons to see how the other half lives. LOL
Maybe we can meet up with you too, always looking to network with some fellow cleaners.
That's awesome, I'm glad you kicked butt and took names. I will be doing something like this asap, how much did it cost you for your booth and how big was it?
We paid 1395 for a 10x10, the show was 7 days, we had about 120 HO's give us their contact info, so that was about 11.50 per name, and we gave out 200 flyer's. Show's that are advertised are worth doing, the production and promotion effort can make or break the show, you really don't have much control over that. Just pick the one's that are promoted.
An hour after the tornado's passed in Ohio and Kentucky, we we're busy talking roof cleaning, show was busy.
If you get an ice storm that weekend, it can make for beer thirty early.