Please congratulate Tom Craddock, owner of ARCOT (Affordable Roof Cleaning of Texas). Tom has just completed the requirements to become a Certified Roof Cleaning Specialist.
Thanks everyone! I'm honored to be one of the few RCIA Certified. I was concerned going into the certification process that I might not have what it takes to be certified but the countless hours that I've spent educating myself here on the forum plus all of the advice that I've gotten offline from fellow contractors and vendors really helped. Must say it was pins and needles during the verbal test with Chris, he keeps a tight rein on the criteria, almost to a point of being a hard azz, but in a nice way and I totally understand. When I display my certified RCIA logo, not only can I be confident that I'm upholding the strictest requirements to offer a safe and effective product but I can convey that to my potential clients as well.