In my area there is not much roof cleaning awareness. Most people either live with the mold and algae. Or decide to have their roof replaced. I am on a mission to inform the masses (in my area). I am starting this using Facebook ads (not my first time using them).
The way I see it is either they see the ad and do nothing, then they at least know about the possibility of the service.
Or they click on the ad and are hopefully truly interested. I am doing some testing right now in preparation for a late winter campaign.
Gotta start somewhere.
My main goal right now is to see what type of reaction I get out of it. I set the demographics to hit anyone over the age of 33. So far I have had 4 clicks since about Noon. I cut it off at $7.50 per day so I will get about 6 clicks out of that. Time will tell...
Could I afford it? It depends, if I knew I would get a good ROI then of course. Since I will never know that probably not. I maxed out on the clicks for the day pretty quick. I will run it for a couple weeks just to evaluate it. I am definitely going to involve these ads in my pre Spring marketing campaign. I hope this coupled with lawn signs, word of mouth and the Internet will start me out on the right foot. Only time will tell.
Yeah, I'm not going to run them with any intention of completing jobs in sub zero weather. Mainly to inform people of our services and potentially setup work for the spring. @ Mike, the last time I used these ads was last year. I used a $50 coupon and ran ads til it expired. That is how I met one of my best contractors. It landed me 7 roofing installation jobs last year and 2 scheduled for the spring. Maybe it was luck? I am certainly not a marketing whiz, I just make sure I have an eye catching title to grab them.
Zach: You are right about the New England area. Homeowners are not aware of a solution because of the lack of info. I have posted this before and even the regional outside reps of local supply houses and national roofing companies have there heads inn the sand. I have got all my answers from this forum and not one answer from supply houses.