I have a sales lady, she worked for a competitor for 10 years until they went under and now she works for me. Commission based position. She keeps 2 trucks booked 7-10 days out. I am very pleased with her.
Ryan Wilkins Beacon Roof & Exterior Cleaning 321-507-4851 772-26-6804
She uses her car and gas, I gave her a phone and small office in my warehouse and she gets 15%. Her former company went out of business after a family tragedy killed a few family members and the owner just let it go.
Ryan Wilkins Beacon Roof & Exterior Cleaning 321-507-4851 772-26-6804
Are your salespeople contract employees, or are they your employees? Do you supply them with insurance, health care, vacation or are they viewed as being a sub contractor?
Shingle Magician Roof Cleaning 585-301-3415 Roof Cleaning Rochester NY Safe, soft wash roof cleaning Rochester New York area, using a non pressure cleaning solution recommended by shingle manufacturers