I have yet to post a promotional thread in the certified section, as I really wanted to get dialed in on the desired keywords, including branding etc. Based on my other promotional posts in the picture section and seeing the results on Google, I think I've figured out what I want to say in the post. The only thing is, I don't have any new before and after pics.
With that said, will anyone have heartburn if I post pics that I've already posted? Winter in VA isn't conducive to new pictures
Lastly, anyone in metro areas want to trade tips/ideas for getting good Google page 1 results for dozens and dozens of cities? I've made lots of progress in the Virginia side of the DC metro area, but still have a ways to go. I'll gladly share what's workin' for me.
Thanks gents. I'll give it some more time for others that might not agree to chime in. I don't want to be perceived as a post whXre. (Don't like that word...)
A loud mouthed, opinionated type A person? SURE!, but not a post whXre
Ted, go for it. The video for pressure washing I posted yesterday is already on page 2. I definately need some seo tips. That is another webinar I'm looking forward to.