A lot of times the reclaim water is the "effluent" water or "gray water" which may or may not have chemicals, possibly some sediment that comes out of the pipes but not the actual system, etc....
What that can do is affect the packings in your pump, cause damage to the pump, possibly have chemical reactions, leave serious film and haze on glass and other surfaces and on and on and on.
If your area is in a severe drought you can get that water for free as it is just dumped. We were in a bad drought years ago and had to deal with that stuff.
I would not put that stuff into a pressure washing pump, especially heated. Roller pumps and diaphragm pumps are a different story.
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Reclaimed water, sometimes called recycled water, is former wastewater (sewage) that has been treated to remove solids and certain impurities, and then used in sustainable landscapingirrigation or to recharge groundwateraquifers. This is done for sustainability and water conservation, rather than discharging the treated wastewater to surface waters such as rivers and oceans.
The recycling and recharging is often done by using the treated wastewater for designated municipal sustainable gardening irrigation applications. In most locations, it is intended to be only used for nonpotable uses, such as irrigation, dust control, and fire suppression. There is debate about possible health and environmental effects with its uses.
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