landed this job this morning. 3 stories and about 3000sg feet. asbestes shingles with copper guttrs which run underground to the street nearly 75 yards away. i will be using a lift to spray from. there a some huge shrubs in the front nearly 15' tall. i told the homeowner that it would take 2 applications and 2 weeks before the moss would die and start to fall off. what i need to know is what ratio to mix my SH.(15.0%) i was thinking 50/50 just to make sure the moss would die quick. any suggestions on how you PROS would tackle this one. i am very new to this and this is going to be a challenge. should lead to a lot more jobs. THANKS FOR ANY HELP PROVIDED!!!
i am having problems uploading photos, will keep trying
XTREME ROOF CLEANING Kevin Kendrick PO Box 2446 Morganton, Nc. 28680 (828)413-1437
Select the advanced editor and check the Attach File(s) box. This will open up a file upload section. Use the browse button to select the picture(s) on your computer and select the upload button. As long as your picture file sizes are under 9,765 kb they should load with your post.