SOP....Standard operating protocol from now on for Spray Wash is to do a sheet like this for every house I do. This one is being sent to both the homeower, and the referring Realtor in an easy to open PDF document.
God took care of the extra rinsing for me today, lol! It came a flood shortly after I was done. I rarely tarp, with this heat and humidity its rough on plants. I had a ground guy for this job who just kept the hose pumping for 4 hours!
True story. I did a house a couple of weeks ago. Owner was concerned about some plants and tarped them herself with plastic. The plants had been tarped for 2-3 hours before I got to the jobsite, and were already wilting pretty badly before I even began to wash. needless to say, I removed the tarps and watered like crazy.
Ray Burke
Spray Wash Exterior Cleaning
visit our website Soft Washing and Pressure Washing