Finally put about 30 gals of water in the tank, fired up the compressor, set the psi, and bam was off watering the lawn.. Noticed I forgot to put tape on one thread that was leaking a bit so fixed that isssue the and decided to water my roof... Baby steps right??? All was going well, I was getting a feel for it then I noticed a shingle was missing at the peak pof the roof so I put the wand down and walked up to to check it out. Heard a loud smash so I turned around and noticed the dam wand fell of the roof and broke.. a few lessons learned....Dont put the wand down - Always carry two wands incase one breaks on a job.. and always laugh at yourself so when others do you can't hear em.. Off to spray with chems next week.. One step at a time..
Just take it to the hardware store and make your own using a ball valve if you have a gun for a spare. I like Jeff Wieble's idea of using a 45 on the inlet of the ball valve/