Not recomended! I would use a sodium percarbonate or a sodium hydroxide based cleaner. Let the chem. dwell for about 30 min. You will then need to pressure wash it clean using low pressure (600 psi). Next your gonna want to neautralize the cedar with either oxalic or citric acid, and then rinse clean. I would deffinately use a ground man.
What is the area of puget sound you service most ? I want to change the link to your web site to say roof cleaning bremerton washington ? Plus, you need your address, and zip code in signature with phone number. The RCIA forum is a bad azz forum, as far as Google goes. Customers in your area will pull it up in a search. Trying to help you. I lived in seattle for 18 years, been to port orchard digging Geoducks, Used to own property on olympic pininsula, fished for ling cod and salmon. Grew hydroponic Tomatoes
Chris, thank you very much for your reply. Good to know as we have a lot of moldy shakes here in wa. When the economy was better people would just tear 'em off and resheet and shingle them better, but now i want to offer an alternative.
Hello chris thank you for your help the area i service most is bremerton. I changed my signature and my bio to say this not sure if i understood correctly, i'm more of a roofer than a computer guy, but i'm learning. anyway thank you again.