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Post Info TOPIC: RCIA Forum Now OPEN To Search Engines Again!

RCIA Founder

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RCIA Forum Now OPEN To Search Engines Again!

We USED to be on the first page of Google, back when we were an Open Forum.
Some members felt that by being open to search engines, our potential customers/competitors could "get our secrets".
Unfortunately, these "secrets" are All over the Internet, and have been for years!
TGS, PWI, PT State, and zillions of other Forums have this information open and availiable to anyone doing a Google Search.

Remember guys, I amd many others have taught roof cleaning on the Internet for years.
These posts are easy to find.

ALL closing this Forum did was hurt us badly, in our Google ranking.
Making it hard for a potential customer to FIND an RCIA Certified Roof Cleaner.

Therefore, I have opened us Back Up to our friends, the search engines.

IF you want to talk freely, do it HERE, on the In The Shade part of the Forum ?
It will REMAIN Closed to search engines forever.

ALL Parts of the Forum are now back open.

Increasing our Google Ranking means MORE Business for ALL of us.

IF you want ONLY a Closed Roof Cleaning Forum, Dave has started one.

You are free to go there, and will always be welcome here as well.


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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Roof Cleaning Institute Of America Certified Roof Cleaner

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You have stated that this is a forum for the members and yet you go against what the membership VOTED on a few months back. You have probably found out that there are a lot of new startups in your area. This is not because they found the old posts it is because of here.

I don't care if this site ranks at the top nationally as that does not help me here. You are going to be your own worst enemy teaching all your lowballer competition and mine along with others.

Chris you have helped me become the roof cleaner I am today along with the others here and I thank you all but I feel this is wrong and it is all about YOUR Google rankings and not the organization. Hell all it is is a name and a forum. There are no legal licenses in place to make this an individual entity it is YOU. It is my understanding of how these things work with the forum hosting is that every post made will link or somehow get the google key words to your site to improve your rankings. I don't blame you for this but in trying to make this as an organization some areas need to be closed to the general public and need to be paid. I will be removing any links here from my site and you probably don't care if this is not closed down again. Don't take this as a threat because it is not and will not make a hill of beans to google in the end. What you have now done is going to affect me personally and not in a good way. Close it down for now and join the conference call tonight and prove this is not about you but about the organization. Listen to what others have to say.


RCIA Founder

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Posts: 7908

GreatWhiteTechnologies wrote:

You have stated that this is a forum for the members and yet you go against what the membership VOTED on a few months back. You have probably found out that there are a lot of new startups in your area. This is not because they found the old posts it is because of here.

I don't care if this site ranks at the top nationally as that does not help me here. You are going to be your own worst enemy teaching all your lowballer competition and mine along with others.

Chris you have helped me become the roof cleaner I am today along with the others here and I thank you all but I feel this is wrong and it is all about YOUR Google rankings and not the organization. Hell all it is is a name and a forum. There are no legal licenses in place to make this an individual entity it is YOU. It is my understanding of how these things work with the forum hosting is that every post made will link or somehow get the google key words to your site to improve your rankings. I don't blame you for this but in trying to make this as an organization some areas need to be closed to the general public and need to be paid. I will be removing any links here from my site and you probably don't care if this is not closed down again. Don't take this as a threat because it is not and will not make a hill of beans to google in the end. What you have now done is going to affect me personally and not in a good way. Close it down for now and join the conference call tonight and prove this is not about you but about the organization. Listen to what others have to say.

My personal web site  Apple Roof Cleaning is already number one in many searches.
It is about the members here, I WANT them to be found.
Closing the forum HURT us Pat.
Opening the forum back up will get our members MORE work.


-- Edited by Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa (813) 655-8777 on Saturday 19th of September 2009 02:27:01 PM


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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RCIA Founder

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Posts: 7908

The following is not my opinion, it is Googles own guidelines for webmasters.
Google does not like closed forums.
Google wants to return relevant information for any search request.
Thus, it cant return information if it can not crawl a site, and see what info is there.

The people who voted for a closed forum can go to the new closed forum you guys started.

Those wanting more Internet visibility, and hopefully more work can stay here.

Or, folks can come and go between forums, as they please.

I will refund anyones Forum donation if they feel "cheated", as long as I have a record of it.
I dont use PayPal much, but it only seems to go back 3 months.

Technical guidelines
  • Use a text browser such as Lynx to examine your site, because most search engine spiders see your site much as Lynx would. If fancy features such as JavaScript, cookies, session IDs, frames, DHTML, or Flash keep you from seeing all of your site in a text browser, then search engine spiders may have trouble crawling your site.

  • Allow search bots to crawl your sites without session IDs or arguments that track their path through the site. These techniques are useful for tracking individual user behavior, but the access pattern of bots is entirely different. Using these techniques may result in incomplete indexing of your site, as bots may not be able to eliminate URLs that look different but actually point to the same page.

  • Make sure your web server supports the If-Modified-Since HTTP header. This feature allows your web server to tell Google whether your content has changed since we last crawled your site. Supporting this feature saves you bandwidth and overhead.

  • Make use of the robots.txt file on your web server. This file tells crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. Make sure it's current for your site so that you don't accidentally block the Googlebot crawler. Visit to learn how to instruct robots when they visit your site. You can test your robots.txt file to make sure you're using it correctly with the robots.txt analysis tool available in Google Webmaster Tools.

  • If your company buys a content management system, make sure that the system creates pages and links that search engines can crawl.

  • Use robots.txt to prevent crawling of search results pages or other auto-generated pages that don't add much value for users coming from search engines.

  • Test your site to make sure that it appears correctly in different browsers.


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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Roof Cleaning Institute Of America Certified Roof Cleaner

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Posts: 590

I understand what you are saying Chris but you are going to drive some out of business also. What we need is more people CERTIFIED and posting in the open areas so that would get ranked. You hate HACKS yet opening this and making it easier to find will do nothing but create them.

The information like you said is already out there but it is hard to locate. I saw a guy on TGS last week that didn't know what applesauce was and was using a pump up sprayer with no PPE. If you are going to have hacks then these are the kind you want. Not ones with a tank and air diaphragm pumps like you have.

It is honorable that you have shared your knowledge with others and continue to do so. It has helped me. You told us a long time ago you acquired I think this should be the front end of this forum letting people know what it is about and charge a nominal fee to enter the non certified areas. I have joined other orgs that have partially closed forums and with the right information up front it will work.

You are going to hurt the very people you are trying to help. This information is MORE valuable than Google rankings.

Thanks for putting up with the difference in opinion.

COME ON some one chime in one way or the other because I am tired of typing and Chris and I can do this over the phone.

-- Edited by GreatWhiteTechnologies on Sunday 20th of September 2009 10:48:28 AM



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Posts: 1342

People are going to find enough information on the other boards to get them rolling. Making a closed forum and charging a membership fee will have only a handful of takers,...and most of them will be those who just want to chat with other established roof cleaners.
The idea of closed foums is past its time I think,..might have worked years ago,...but not now.

People just aren't going to spend money on information when they can scour a little and find plenty enough to get into business.

It is what it is,....don't worry about the hacks,...they're always gonna be there,... open boards or not.
Worry about making your own business stronger,... and the hacks will come and go right along like they've always done and always will.



Raystown Roof Cleaning
Central, Pa

(814) 644-1396 or 1-800-236-0322

Roof Cleaning Central Pennsylvania

Huntingdon, State College, Lewistown, Altoona

RCIA Founder

Status: Offline
Posts: 7908

Raystown Roof Cleaning Central PA 1-800-236-0322 wrote:

People are going to find enough information on the other boards to get them rolling. Making a closed forum and charging a membership fee will have only a handful of takers,...and most of them will be those who just want to chat with other established roof cleaners.
The idea of closed foums is past its time I think,..might have worked years ago,...but not now.

People just aren't going to spend money on information when they can scour a little and find plenty enough to get into business.

It is what it is,....don't worry about the hacks,...they're always gonna be there,... open boards or not.
Worry about making your own business stronger,... and the hacks will come and go right along like they've always done and always will.


My thought exactly Jeff.
And opening the Forum back up again will only make our rankings higher.
Hacks will always be there, closed forum or not.
I have over 5000 posts at TGS and PWI, as well as PT State, and other forums.
These Forums are not closed, so hacks can find what they want there.

Once AGAIN, we are all Friends here.
And a difference of opinion is ONLY that, nothing more.
I have added a link on the navigation bar at the very top of the home page to the closed ARCA Forum, and I will support my friends in any way I can!

Hey, a little humor ???
How about us guys get a 900 number service ??
That way, when hacks call us, wanting to pick our brains, we make them call the 900 number ??
This way, we get PAID for the time we spend on the phone ???

Call 1 - 900 Pick Your Brain ?




Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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900 # for the win, that is a great idea!! Thanks for your support Chris. The idea behind the closed forum is to become an association standard, kind of like the plumbers license or chimney safety guild. This will probably take years to establish as successfully as those groups, and needs to become much more than a forum to succeed. All I can say is that with the support of successful roof cleaning individuals such as yourselves we can get there eventually. It is not meant to compete with this forum at all, and our goals are stop misinformation and support honest companies. I hope you will become an executive founder Chris when we file for non-profit organization.


Bill Booz

Accuwash LLC



RCIA Founder

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Posts: 7908

Baltimore MD Roof Cleaning 410-482-4367 wrote:

900 # for the win, that is a great idea!! Thanks for your support Chris. The idea behind the closed forum is to become an association standard, kind of like the plumbers license or chimney safety guild. This will probably take years to establish as successfully as those groups, and needs to become much more than a forum to succeed. All I can say is that with the support of successful roof cleaning individuals such as yourselves we can get there eventually. It is not meant to compete with this forum at all, and our goals are stop misinformation and support honest companies. I hope you will become an executive founder Chris when we file for non-profit organization.

I am WITH you guys  Bill !

I just wish Dave had set up your forum a LITTLE different ?
Google will penalize any sites for "duplicate content" !!
Especially site linked to each other.

Instead of naming the forums Tile Roof Cleaning for example, perhaps Cleaning Tile Roofs would have been better ?
Or Roof Cleaning Pumps could have been Pumps For Cleaning Roofs, etc, etc.

Roof Cleaning Chemicals could have been Chemicals for Cleaning Roofs ??

DUPLICATE content may hurt us all ??

But this is easy to correct.

I will talk with Dave more when he calls, but today is FOOTBALL !!!

Go Tampa Bay  Bucs !!! 


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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I like it ! A PAID 1-900 # NEWBIE LINE Lets do it....

It will allow the guys here a chance to pay for their internet and phone expenses at the very least.

You know, Chris, Buddy, truth is ....We are all friends and you and I are old friends from the Wild Wild West  dating back to  the original boards, those of the DELCO Forum days.

Your right in many ways, Jedi Master  :)

I NEVER have wanted any division between us. I have domne what the MEMBERS wanted and asked of me, while you were on your extended vacation.

So, you have a different view and opinion on the board closure subject and you have decide to open it up again to all. So be it.

Yes, the forum has been ranking lower and lower and it needs to be seen again at the search engines.

I just thought we could come to a different approach than opening the doors wide again.

I do respect your stand and decision to do whats right for you here on the RCIA and if you believe it will help the board and its members then I support you and your choice, as after all, you are the Forum Founder and Administrator so you do have final say as to what goes on here.

As on other boards, I will continue to support you in your decision here if you feel it is best for the RCIA.

However, I wanted to run this by you so here is a thought Chris,

How about this. I wanted to speak to you all of this about 3 months ago but we just never got the time to fully discuss all of this Association business fully and completely before your temporary absence for the last few months.

Here is what I want to say then.

You know that we had the same idea back over a year and a half ago when you and I first spoke about developing a roof cleaning ONLY forum back at PWI and the GRIME SCENE and you asked and I agreed to come here and build your vision and your board, as I didn't want to be the main guy running the show and I thought then and still think you are the man for the job so now we fast forward almost 2 years later and we still have not to much more than a blog and forum. I had told you in the beginning what I had been thinking about, to eventually have a real documented nationally recognized CERTIFICATION STANDARD FOR ROOF CLEANERS that would be taken SERIOUSLY by the residential and commercial property owners and other contract contractors alike.

The A-R-C-A was built for its members with all of the principals and ideas taken from the comments made by other members asking me how we could BETTER or more efficiently do this or that on the RCIA but we couldn't as you held the password keys to the kingdom.

All this was built with you in mind.

It is very important to have you be a part of this great new Association.

Your help would be appreciated on the ARCA on a more ACTIVE LEVEL!

I and others would appreciate you being the Co-Administrator on the A-R-C-A.

Your space is reserved, just register and we will make it so.

One hand washes the other as they say?

Let this board do what this board does -educate others on proper roof cleaning methods and techniques.

Join the ARCA and help us build the Association that supports its Roof Cleaning members with more than just a verbal test.

Let the RCIA be the forum blog and the future of the CERTIFIED roof cleaners that come from this board be allowed access to more specialized knowledge and other benefits similar to the PWNA or the UAMCC but without the drama that is currently going on there.

We can make this ARCA forum the catalyst of change for our industry and create a true standards based certification that will be TRULY RESPECTED by not only the contract cleaners but by the paying customers that actually use the members at the RCIA and the ARCA for all of OUR services.

Posting on this new A-R-C-A forum will help Apple Roof Cleaning and its forum, Roof Cleaning Institute Of America.

We , the A-R-C-A are destined to become the Roof Cleaners Association to watch and this will be a real non profit corporation soon.

We will be going to national round tables and speaking at industry trade meetings and events discussing and supporting both the RCIA and the A-R-C-A.

Doing this can only help both boards and their members.

Chris, Help us, to help you and the RCIA.

help us all make the roof cleaning future as bright as possible for all of us.

Roof-Cleaning-GA Blog
Roof-Cleaning-Georgia Blog

RCIA Founder

Status: Offline
Posts: 7908

Roof Clean USA Georgia 229-227-0000 wrote:

I like it ! A PAID 1-900 # NEWBIE LINE Lets do it....

It will allow the guys here a chance to pay for their internet and phone expenses at the very least.

You know, Chris, Buddy, truth is ....We are all friends and you and I are old friends from the Wild Wild West  dating back to  the original boards, those of the DELCO Forum days.

Your right in many ways, Jedi Master  :)

I NEVER have wanted any division between us. I have domne what the MEMBERS wanted and asked of me, while you were on your extended vacation.

So, you have a different view and opinion on the board closure subject and you have decide to open it up again to all. So be it.

Yes, the forum has been ranking lower and lower and it needs to be seen again at the search engines.

I just thought we could come to a different approach than opening the doors wide again.

I do respect your stand and decision to do whats right for you here on the RCIA and if you believe it will help the board and its members then I support you and your choice, as after all, you are the Forum Founder and Administrator so you do have final say as to what goes on here.

As on other boards, I will continue to support you in your decision here if you feel it is best for the RCIA.

However, I wanted to run this by you so here is a thought Chris,

How about this. I wanted to speak to you all of this about 3 months ago but we just never got the time to fully discuss all of this Association business fully and completely before your temporary absence for the last few months.

Here is what I want to say then.

You know that we had the same idea back over a year and a half ago when you and I first spoke about developing a roof cleaning ONLY forum back at PWI and the GRIME SCENE and you asked and I agreed to come here and build your vision and your board, as I didn't want to be the main guy running the show and I thought then and still think you are the man for the job so now we fast forward almost 2 years later and we still have not to much more than a blog and forum. I had told you in the beginning what I had been thinking about, to eventually have a real documented nationally recognized CERTIFICATION STANDARD FOR ROOF CLEANERS that would be taken SERIOUSLY by the residential and commercial property owners and other contract contractors alike.

The A-R-C-A was built for its members with all of the principals and ideas taken from the comments made by other members asking me how we could BETTER or more efficiently do this or that on the RCIA but we couldn't as you held the password keys to the kingdom.

All this was built with you in mind.

It is very important to have you be a part of this great new Association.

Your help would be appreciated on the ARCA on a more ACTIVE LEVEL!

I and others would appreciate you being the Co-Administrator on the A-R-C-A.

Your space is reserved, just register and we will make it so.

One hand washes the other as they say?

Let this board do what this board does -educate others on proper roof cleaning methods and techniques.

Join the ARCA and help us build the Association that supports its Roof Cleaning members with more than just a verbal test.

Let the RCIA be the forum blog and the future of the CERTIFIED roof cleaners that come from this board be allowed access to more specialized knowledge and other benefits similar to the PWNA or the UAMCC but without the drama that is currently going on there.

We can make this ARCA forum the catalyst of change for our industry and create a true standards based certification that will be TRULY RESPECTED by not only the contract cleaners but by the paying customers that actually use the members at the RCIA and the ARCA for all of OUR services.

Posting on this new A-R-C-A forum will help Apple Roof Cleaning and its forum, Roof Cleaning Institute Of America.

We , the A-R-C-A are destined to become the Roof Cleaners Association to watch and this will be a real non profit corporation soon.

We will be going to national round tables and speaking at industry trade meetings and events discussing and supporting both the RCIA and the A-R-C-A.

Doing this can only help both boards and their members.

Chris, Help us, to help you and the RCIA.

help us all make the roof cleaning future as bright as possible for all of us.

I will do everything in my power to help the new ORG David.



Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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Status: Offline
Posts: 443

SWEET BABY RAY! I haven't been on for awhile, and haven't checked my site ranking either. I didn't know the forum closed. Anyway, I just went and checked my ranking, and holy crap! I've dropped significantly. I need the RCIA forum giving me some link juice!

It's good to be back guys. I've missed you all. Come mid-Novemebr, I'll be on here alot. Until then, I have plenty Evansville Indiana Roof Cleaning to do.


Premium Member Roof Cleaning Institute of America Certified Roof Cleaning Specialist

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Posts: 252

Hey nice to see ya back Coach. Things have been hoppin in Bowling Green also.


Roof Cleaning Bowling Green KY
Roof Cleaning Kentucky
Bowling Green, KY


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Kipperoo! Hope all is well. I would bet that you on on your way to setting a first-year record for roof cleaning in Bowling Green, KY. It's good to hear from you. I have alot of catching up to do with several people on here. First and foremost, that lazy bum named Chris Tucker!


RCIA Founder

Status: Offline
Posts: 7908

See, I TOLD you Kevin you need this forum for some link juice. is a page rank 4 site!
That means Google considers it what is called an Authority Site.
And Google connects me with THIS Forum.
That is why Apple Roof Cleaning is displayed on the top of the home page.

It goes like this Kevin, if you walked in the room with Peyton Manning, you would be considered important too .

So, Google has "figured out" that this is my Forum, and it is "important" because it is so "connected" to me.
Therefore, anyone who cleans roofs and posts here is also considered "important" for all things roof cleaning.

This is what you call "link juice".

Don't be a stranger here Bro, we missed ya!


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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Posts: 443

Thanks Tucker. I missed you guys too. I have literally been swamped with work. Almost to the point of being stressed out! But, I'm very thankful for it and will finish on time! I'll call you next week and we'll catch up on things.


RCIA Founder

Status: Offline
Posts: 7908

Roof Cleaning Evansville Indiana 270 860 7894 wrote:

Thanks Tucker. I missed you guys too. I have literally been swamped with work. Almost to the point of being stressed out! But, I'm very thankful for it and will finish on time! I'll call you next week and we'll catch up on things.

Ok Kevin, Tampa Football suks latelt, we are 0 and 6.
I thought Tennessee Vols was gonna do better this year



Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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Posts: 443

Speaking of "link juice", 2 days and I'm dominating the search results again for almost EVERY evansville roof cleaning search phrase.


Premium Member Roof Cleaning Institute of America Certified Roof Cleaning Specialist

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Posts: 252

Hey Kevin check out my website & see the page I added. Satisfied customers. I also print that page on the back of my flyers it`s made a big difference in calls. I just landed the CEO of our biggest hospital in Bowling Green & he loves to talk to his golfing buddies.$$$$$$ Kipp


Roof Cleaning Bowling Green KY
Roof Cleaning Kentucky
Bowling Green, KY

RCIA Founder

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Posts: 7908

Neither one of you guys are displaying the RCIA logo, and have no link back to this forum ?

NOT good  in Google's eyes, since you guys post here a lot, but have no reciprocal link BACK here !


Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Florida

711 Westbrook

Brandon, FL 33511

813 655 8777

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