Did you use the search method on the top? that will refer you to a lot of the hose being used plus Lori at Pressure Washer Services sales the hose also, just search there name and you will find contact info for them, that should help you out.
Yes if you call Lori she would be a big help to on what you would like to get. She will tell you prices on the hose, I know what she charged me but I am not sure if it has changed so give her a call.
I ordered some from her today! She was great! It was cheaper to get it from her and have it shipped to my house then buy it from a place in New Jersey.
Michael P Darnell Michael Phillip Painting www.michaelphillippainting.com 609-556-8589
Good job Mike, I do not know if Lori mentioned to you about the titan hose reels, I have mine stacked two high in my box truck, I have the stainless steel one for chemical here is a photo of it. If you do not have the money for one, just get it later when you can.
We have been offering the 1156 which is the blue version and 1154 is the red version of the hose. Both of color hose have the same specs. The website that was mentioned in this thread is for the same product but is more expensive than ours. We list 5/8" for $0.58/ft and they list it for $0.71/ft. You can purchase 2 crimped ends and have money left over for shipping with the savings!
Please see our pricing listed below.
We would like to offer special pricing on red and blueKuri Tec brand hose (Series K1154 and K1156). These are prices are NOT advertised on our website. Please call/email and mention 'RCIA' for special pricing.
The price is the same for red or blue and by the foot. The hose will not come with ends.
Crimped brass collared ends are available for $6.50 an end. Please specify the size needed when ordering.
Call or email me for a UPS quote. We do not send them as a reel to save you $8 in shipping. Shipping is not as bad as you may anticipate! We will beat advertised prices.