Here is some pics of our newest addition to the fleet of roof cleaning trucks servicing Thomasville, Georgia and Tallahassee, Florida and surrounding areas.
I bet your like a kid on Christmas eve and can't wait till the morningso you can load it full of goodies. Everytime I see an empty truck bed or trailer I just imagine what I would put on it. I wonder how much a vinyl wrap would be for the cab.
Holt Construction & Cleaning
424 East Orange Street Jesup, Ga 31546 912-302-7050
Thanks for the reminder that I am not alone in my obsesssion with cleaning roofs and have equipment that is dialed in to do the job right and better with a place for everything and everything in it's place.
I should write a book or Short Story actually, titled,
"How I fell in LOVE WITH a L-Shaped Aluminum Truck Toolbox" LOL
Can't sleep...I have been sketching out different configurations of how things will be laid out on the bed, i.e., tank placement, and compressor and air diaphragm pump location, along with how I am going to mount the hose reels and ladder racks and how the heck I am going to make it easy to get up on the deck of the flatbed and fill the tanks.
There is lots of welding and sandblasting to be done. I am adding a lot of treadplate. (man, I LOVE ploished aluminum treadplate) I happen to have 8 sheets of 4x8 1/4" material so I am going to deck the bed and use it on the backs of the mudflaps and bed siderails and on the headach rack and in the hitch area.
As for the cab I have a reallly nice patriotic theme I have worked out for it.
It should look incredible when completed in May 2009 and the best thing is I have been buying parts and pieces for the last year so I have most everything I need to dial this puppy in, I was just waiting for the RIGHT truck to come along.
Here is some pics of our newest addition to the fleet of roof cleaning trucks servicing Thomasville, Georgia and Tallahassee, Florida and surrounding areas.
Here is the compressor that will be mounted on the back of this 1-1/2 ton Beastie. It supplies 32 CFM @ 175psi I believe ,if my memory serves me correctly (although I will never run it more than at maybe 80-95 psi max and with the 60 gallon air reserve and the super low operating range of 600 rpm it should be lots more quiet than a Rigid or Other Torpedo tube type construction Compressor that only has an 8 gallon capacity, they usually run a 1,500 to 2,000 rpm and are rattle traps. This beauty should last hopefully, knock wood or composite shingles, LOL, for many years and MANY Roofs as it has a 5 year BUMPER to Bumper warranty and is MOSTLY American Made and is built with super clean TIG welds everywhere, like a brick #$*^house!
These are some of the BEST BUILT, HIGHEST QUALITY Gas Powered Portable Compressors available anywhere, at ANY price.
It is manufactured by Eaton Compressor out of Ohio. Here is the website if you want to read up more and view the whole line of GAS COMPRESSOR units they have available. Go to "V4 Gas Powered Portable Compressor Skid-13 HP-60 Gallon Tank"
That is a bad azz air compressor Dave ! We have an old Rol Aire i think it is called for our roof cleaning pumps. It is 17.3 CFM, and we only use it for cleaning BIG jobs. Our regular air compressor is the Rigid 12 cfm at 90 PSI we bought from home depot. Nice truck too ! Here is a pic of our F 450 that will be set up for roof cleaning.
Dirty-Gator, that last comment reminded me of the old Toys R Us Ads,
" I don't want to Grow Up, I'm a Toys Are Us Kid" slogan they would use. Ha Ha, lol!
Chris, I really like your new Roof Cleaning truck for cleaning roofs in Tampa, FL. If I had been able to find a 4-Door model with the toolbox setup like I have on this new truck I would have been happier but oh, well.
I think that I full well realize that to most other roof cleaners, these bigger rigs seem like something to "graduate into" but to all the other guys wanting to "grow up" someday, you can do the same on a small scale as well.
Actually, Chris, of Apple Roof Cleaning and a few other great and very helpful others on some other boards that have Flatbeds convinced me that this is the way to go, for capacity and maneuverabilty so I have stepped up my game as well. I have used smaller trucks with flatbed setups in the past with success also.
There are many good deals to be had on smaller trucks, even subcompacts that by removing the bed and going to a flatbed you gain accesability and you don't have to be so darned careful with reeeling up hoses and loading and unloading equipment and filling tanks. Flatbeds can be put on ANY truck and the benefit of a small flatbed self-contained rig on a smaller truck is that an all in one setup is much easier to negotiate in residential areas as opposed to bumper pull trailer setups.
For the Big jobs though, there is obviously no substitution for cubic inches and the weight hauling (full poly tanks with the roof cleaning LOVE) 1 Ton to 1-1/2 Ton capacity trucks.
And to Chris, Hey Buddy! Hope this New Year is Bringing you New Business and much Success! I am sure Apple Roof Cleaning is going to do some great new jobs and get new business this season. I look forward to seeing new pictures on this site as attention to detail always inspires me.
By the way, Chris, This RCIA site is looking GREAT and is filling out nicely with a great mix of Roof Cleaners, both seasoned and new to the game.
This IS looking to be the PREMIER #1 Roof Cleaning Education and Subject Specific Roof Cleaning Topic Site on the Internet and is ranking highly. Congratulations!
Yes, you are right on! Those Rool-Air Torpedo Contractor Skids are real workhorses and the Rigid Skids are great for nail guns and framing contractor duties in terms of intermittent use and as you said can be used successfully for other applications like running Air Diaphragm Pumps.
I have decided to go with these pumps because of the 5 Year FULL Bumper to Bumper warranty that EATON Compressors offers and the fact that I don't like the compressor running all the time and that with more CFM and a larger 30-60 tank instaed of the 8 gallon (2-4 gallon torpedos) I hope to avoid Stalling of the air pumps, plus I like to ACTUALLY HEAR the AIR PUMP CYCLING.
Hey, Chris, By the way, The New ARO series Kynar 1/2" pump, manufactured by I-R has a newly engineered design that makes it much less susceptable to stalling and that will also help.
I am a newbie to the roof cleaning field and was wondering what ou use your compressors for on your roof cleaning? I greatly appreciate your advice
You have come to the World's NUMBER 1 resource for Roof Cleaning Information.
We cut thru the B. S. and get YOU the info you want and need on how to clean and maintain asphalt and metal roof systems.
To answer you question.
The air compressor mounts on a truck or trailer and provides air pressure to an air diaphragm pump which delivers cleaning chemical to the roof's surface. It is the preferred PROFESIONAL chemical delivery method but their are many on. Many posts on this subject, however......
The info you find here free, for the time being, OTHERS are charging 5k-40k for this level of spill your secrets, tell all, expose' of how the pros do it. On this board our some of the finest Roof Cleaning Contractors on the planet and they are ready to graciously take time out of theri business and day to help guys, and gals, just like yourslf with aspirations to grow their very own local roof cleaning small business.
Why do we do it? Why do we offer such open, unbiased insider info? Well, we like to offer some of that hard won knowledge so that the roof cleaning industry doesn't get a black eye from folks who are improperly trained going out there and hacking out a quick buck only to ruin the market for others who will come here and learn how to properly clean a roof by using the best practices available. Yes, you can go pay a king's ransom for what you can get here for the cost of a little of your time and a willingness to do some research and read until your eyeball's hurt but that my friend is a small price to pay to having wade thru the maze that was finding out the useful info that is readily available here.
We provide a lot of knowledge here but our price for it is too read, and SELF-EDUCATE and continue to educate yourself thoroughly by reading and re-reading old and new posts and archives in ALL thereads on the forum before asking questions that may ALREADY have, very DETAILED answers to them if only you take time to read the threads (all topics) within a post.
Thanks for your interest and much success to you. And if I didn't mentyion it before, keep on reading, post and post and nugget of wisdom and post, and pearl of truth and get the idea.