It has been field tested by several Beta Testers, and found to be a fast cleaning, easy to make mix. It's advantages over Apple Sauce are, it is easier and faster to make, and more water soluble. It's disadvantages are, irritating fumes, and it "burns up the mix" faster then Apple Sauce. We suggest you mix the Apple Cider up right before you start the job. Only make up enough mix you know you will use up in a week to ten days. Make SURE the tank is well ventilated, and we URGE you to wear a respirator when cleaning.
Some have used the Apple Cider for house wash mix. They are downstreaming the Cider. They are using a 5 Gallon mix as follows. Weak Cider - 1.5 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite - 3 Gallons Water Strong Cider - 2 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite - 2.5 Gallons Water 1/2 Gallon 70 Percent Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol + 1 large Bottle Apple Blossom Dawn in BOTH Apple Cider Mixes
Here is the recipe for 100 Gallons Of Shingle Strength Apple Cider
For 100 gallons total mix of Apple Cider we need 20 to 30 Gallons Sodium Hypochlorite 70 to 80 Gallons Water 1 gallon Rubbing Alcohol 3 large bottles Ajax Dish Soap
Mix water and Sodium hypochlorite first, add Ajax Dish Soap, then add Rubbing Alcohol, and STIR real good. Go clean Let US know your experiences with Apple Cider. Here are a bunch of roofs we cleaned with the two roof cleaning chemicals.
I am located in Southern Indiana and am trying to get a roof cleaning business started. I am very interested in your forum and have looked around, but still have a couple of questions. If you do not rinse the chemical off, will the customer see immediate results? The next question would be is the chemical safe for the plants once it does begin to either be rinsed off by the crew or the rain. Any help that I could get would be most appreciated.
I am located in Southern Indiana and am trying to get a roof cleaning business started. I am very interested in your forum and have looked around, but still have a couple of questions. If you do not rinse the chemical off, will the customer see immediate results? The next question would be is the chemical safe for the plants once it does begin to either be rinsed off by the crew or the rain. Any help that I could get would be most appreciated.
The roof cleaning chemical we use provides immediate results w/o rinsing.
If rinsing, it is best to wait about an hour, to ensure the chemical kills the roof algae completely. The chemical left on a roof is weakened by it's battle with the roof algae. It usually presents little problems if left on a roof, as long as a GOOD rain falls. If a slight rain falls, the roof cleaning chemical can be rinsed off the roof, but with insufficient rainfall to completely rinse it off the plants. Damage can occur, under this situation, but it will not normally kill the plants, only brown or yellow the tops of some of them. So, it is a tradeoff. Leaving the roof cleaning chemical on the roof after cleaning provides THE longest lasting cleaning. Rinsing right away will shorten the time the roof stays clean.
I would make the mistake of rinsing the roof right away and after talking to Larry about it, I am leaving it on for a lot longer so it cleans better.
Thanks Larry!
Superior Power Washing Chris Chappell 361-853-2513 Cleaning Shingle and Tile Roofs in Corpus Christi Texas No Pressure Roof Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas       Texas Certified Roof Cleaner   Â
Thanks for the help, I am sure you will be hearing from me frequently, so I hope you like dealing with newbies!
That is what the RCIA is all about Teaching roof cleaning to those wanting to learn our trade. There is plenty of roof cleaning work all over most of the USA. The Roof Algae is spreading. Training competent non pressure roof cleaners is what this forum is all about.
I am curious, do you prefer the apple sauce over the cider, or do you like the mix of the two the best? Also, can you use these chemicals on concrete and decking?
I am curious, do you prefer the apple sauce over the cider, or do you like the mix of the two the best? Also, can you use these chemicals on concrete and decking?
Actually, I like the Cider because it is easy to make.' Apple Sauce stays clean the longest. WE dont clean decking, just roof cleaning mainly. It will work on concrete ok, but we feel some pressure is best for concrete cleaning, Hot Water and pressure is what most use to clean concrete.
This is an interesting mixture. I have been using 15% SHC which works great. What does the addition of TSP do to it? I also saw another post of yours that mentions "YES, it WILL keep your bleach fresher longer! SHC and Alcohol make a POTENT roof cleaning mix when combined." I do not see any mention of alcohol here. How does it fit in and what proportions. I have also seen where you are adding a Green Apple ingredient to mask the smell of SHC. Do you add it directly to the SHC or the H2O & TSP mix. What proportions do you ad of the masking agent?
Chris and I were talking about the variflow system. If you have the room and can install two tanks, you can work the variflow system. One for straight 12.5% and one for TSP, alcohol, surfactant (dawn, ajax, or NP-9)
Keeping the bleach by itself w/o mixing with chemicals keeps it fresh.
Chris you said that you are adding a Green Apple ingredient to mask the smell of SHC. Do you add it directly to the SHC or the H2O & TSP mix. What proportions do you ad of the masking agent?
Gary, downstreaming is a power washing term. This is where chemicals are injected after the pump. Upsteaming is when you inject chemicals before the pump. Downstreaming is better because it does not allow the chemicals to damage your pump.
hey guys,gary here from Rock Hall,MD.This is absolutely the best and most informative site for learning this bussiness!!!! Some of the terminology is new to me.What is "downsteaming"???
Gary, downstreaming is great for pressure washing, but you'll find that it doesn't allow for a strong enough mixture for almost all roof cleaning, most of us(i think) have and use dedicated pumps, and tanks for chemicals used to clean roofs, see apple sauce or apple cider under chemicals
hey guys,gary here from Rock Hall,MD.This is absolutely the best and most informative site for learning this bussiness!!!! Some of the terminology is new to me.What is "downsteaming"???
Gary, Dirt E.Gator is correct. Downstreaming will dilute the chemicals too much. Many years ago I used to down stream with and chemical induction pump hooked up to the intake of my injector. If the roof is not too dirty it will work. I only use it now when I touch up my own roof.
For roof cleaning,, downstreaming is not the best choice. Now, IF you insist on downstreaming, a smaller, low GPM Pressure Washer is best. I have a friend who used to downstream roofs to clean them. he used a cheap, 249.00 Home Depot Pressure Cleaner. And he also used as short a P/W hose as possible. Even with an X Jet, it dont work too well. A Chemical Roof Cleaning Pump is your answer. Some of the best, most experienced roof cleaners in the USA are on this forum. None of us downstream to clean roofs. Your roof cleaning question is a common one, and thank you for asking it. This is how we all learn. By asking questions, getting good roof cleaning advice, and then acting on it
For people using apple cider where do you get the rubbing alchohol. can you buy it by the gallon, 5 gallon, 55 gallon drum. I would think it has a pretty long shelf life.
Holt Construction & Cleaning
424 East Orange Street Jesup, Ga 31546 912-302-7050